Technologies Used

This mm Wave WPAN will operate in the new and clear band including 57-64 GHz unlicensed band defined by FCC 47   FR15.255.The millimeter-wave WPAN will allow high coexistence (close physical spacing) with all other microwave systems in the 802.15 family of WPANs.Two Technologies that help realize GWLAN are,

• Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO)
• System-On-a-Package (SOP)

Multiple Input Multiple Outputs:
MIMO wireless is an emerging cost effective technology that offers substantial leverages in making 1Gbps wireless links a reality. We can in principle, meet the 1Gbps data rate Requirement if the product of bandwidth (measured in Hz) and spectral efficiency (measured in bps/Hz) equals 10^9. MIMO wireless constitutes a technological breakthrough that will allow Gbps speeds in NLOS wireless networks. The performance improvements resulting from the use of MIMO systems are due to:
• 1. Array gain
• 2. Diversity gain
• 3. Spatial Multiplexing Gain
• 4. Interference Reduction

SOP approach for the next-generation wireless solution is a more feasible option than SOC. Recent development of materials and processes in packaging area makes it possible to bring the concept of SOP into the RF world to meet the stringent needs in wireless communication area.
Wireless devices implementing complex functionality require a large amount of circuitry and consequently, require a large conventional package or MCM real estate. SOP goes one step beyond Multi Chip Module (MCM) by enhancing overall performances and adding more functionality.

Here we will use millimeter wave antenna which will operate at 60 GHz frequency which is unlined band Because of this band we are achieving high data rates energy propagation in the 60 GHz band has unique characteristics that make possible many other benefits such as excellent immunity to co-channel interference,high security, and frequency re use.Point-to-point wireless systems operating at 60 GHz have been used for many years for satellite-to-satellite communications.This is because of high oxygen absorption at 60 GHz (10-15 dB/Km).the absorption attenuates 60 GHz signals over distance, so that signals cannot travel far beyond their intended recipient. For this reason, 60GHz is an excellent choice for covert communication.intended to provide an efficient use of scarce radio bandwidth while enabling both high data rate personal-area network (PAN) wireless connectivity and longer-range, low data rate applications as well as radar and imaging systems.

• High level of frequency re-use enabled – communication needs of multiple customers within a small geographic region can be satisfied
• It is also highly portable-we can construct where ever we want.
• It deploys line of sight operation having only shorter coverage area, it has more flexible architecture.
• Multi-gigabit wireless technology that removes the need for cables between consumer electronic devices.
• More than 100 times faster than current short-range wireless technologies.
• Allows wireless streaming of uncompressed high-definition content.
• Operates over a range of 10 meters without interference.
• Entire transmission system can be built on a cost effective single silicon chip