Existing System
In order to conduct an e-learning environment, Srinakharinwirot University has utilized SWU ATutor System (http://course.swu.ac.th), an Open Source Web-based Learning Content Management System (LCMS) which is used to develop web-based instructional content. Moreover, SWU ATutor system provides Test & Survey Manager tool of which lecturers can create tests and surveys for their courses. The questions in test and surveys of each course can be exported, sent to bulk SMS system and transferred to student’s mobile phones.
In addition, the university has provided eservices system to serve the need of academic information, such as academic record, enrollment information, grade result, and etc., Students and lecturers can access their education information on this web-based system. In terms of public relation, the information such as admission announcement, university’s news and events and internship opportunity are provided in e-service system appeared on the university website.Both acdemic information and public relation information can be sent to bulk SWU for further distribution.

Srinakharinwirot University has developed BSWU, Srinakharinwirot University bulk SMS system, to enhance the school’s educational communication. During system testing period, B-SWU’s users can use the system for free. The B-SWU is used for two main purposes:

Learning Enhancement
In order to enhance student’s learning, bulk SMS system can be applied in a mobile learning scenario for dealing with learning activities such as asking questions, providing answers and providing feedback. The aim of B-SWU system in this part is to provide communication system for the large class. The system can provide mobile quizzes which report scores including answer keys to students and get their feedback instantly.
 Before sending SMS quizzes SMS from B-SMS system, the questions have to verify by the question filtering process, lecturer has to prepare quizzes which can be stored in Question Database tool of SWU ATutor system at Step (1). Step (2), the quiz will be exported into XML format and sent to BSWU system. Step (3), the system will select quizzes which are suitable for conducting a SMS quizzes of which in the questions form patterns in the following categories: matching, multiple choices, true/false, ordering and open-ended. Especially for open-ended questions, it should be a short question which requires a short answer or just a keyword answer. Step (4), all quizzes from filtering process will be sent to students. B-SWU open two-way communications for retrieving feedback from students. The system will evaluate student SMS answer. Step (5), the evaluation process will match student SMS answers with the answer keys.
Some researches have tried to develop the methods (Balasundaram and Ramadoss, 2007) for matching the student SMS answers with the actual answer by observing various sentence patterns, however the matching result is still hard to evaluate. This is because the sentence patterns are not unique and most SMSs are composed of many abbreviations. And finally in Step (6), the quiz’s result will be sent to lecturer and students.

NEXT COMING:::EducationInformation and Public Relation Enhancement,Conclusion