D-Light Project,working Principle

D-Light Project 
D-Light, which means “data through illumination”, A invention of Professor Harald Hass. He says that his invention can produce data rates faster than 10 Mbps, which is speedier than average broadband connection. He visualizes a future where data for laptops, smartphones, and tablets is transmitted through the light in a room, but Haas says that this version is limited by existing LEDs and by the usage of LEDs as transmitters and detectors at the same time. However, he has created a better LED, which provides a data rate close to 4 Gbps operating on just 5 milliwatt of optical output power and using high bandwidth photo diodes at the receiver. Haas says that we can send data with a distance of 10 meters at up to 1.1 Gbps with a simple lens, and soon they will increase that up to 15 Gbps. The 802.11ad Wi-Fi standard for the 60 GHz radio band reaches just under 7 Gbps, so Li-Fi would more than double of that rate.
D-Light system uses Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) techniques, which allows us to vary the intensity of the LEDs output at a very fast rate, invisible to the human eye; for the eye, the bulb would simply be on and providing light. The signal can be picked up by simple receivers. He says: “It should be so cheap that it is everywhere. Using the visible light spectrum, which comes for free”.

Working Principle
Li-Fi technology is implemented using white LED light bulbs used for illumination by applying a constant current. However, by fast variations of the current, the light output can be made to vary at extremely high speeds. If the LED is on, it transmits a digital 1 otherwise it transmits a digital 0. The LEDs can be switched on and off quickly to transmit data that can't be detected by a human eye.
So what we need at all for sending data are some LEDs and a controller that cods data into those LEDs and for receiving data, we need an Image Sensor, Photodiode which is used as a detector.

The LED bulb will hold a micro-chip that will do the job of processing the data. The light intensity can be manipulated to send data by tiny changes in amplitude. for data transmission; it can be done by single LED or multi LED. On the receiver side there is a photo detector, which convert this light into electric signals and it will give the electric signals to the device connected to it. Voltage regulator and level shifter circuits are used on both sides to convert or maintain a voltage level between transmitter and receiver.

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